Responsibilities and Duties of Board Members
Agree to honor all Yes I Can Unity Through Music & Education policies in order to maintain our organization good standing status with our vendor organizations and the IRS. (These will be provided to you should you choose to continue as a candidate for the Board)
Elected annually with requested commitment of one year.
Attend board meetings in their entirety (two excused absences/year per bylaws). Meetings are held quarterly.
Participate in board meetings through active discussion and exercising voting rights. (We follow Robert's Rules of Order. Please let us know if you are unfamiliar with this and we can explain).
Attend Annual Meeting and Election.
Attend or otherwise support all major fundraisers throughout the year.
Actively solicit donations from individuals and businesses for fundraisers and other events.
Donate an average of 4-8 hours per month of time in addition to board meetings.
Participate in at least one community outreach event annually, as each member is able
Enlist volunteers to help with committees and events.
Recruit new board and committee members as appropriate.
Are you ready to join the YIC Board and make a difference? Apply for the Board of Trustees