Who Do We Serve?
Yes I Can Unity Through Music and Education serves individuals with disabilities who have been found eligible for funding with the North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC), Westside Regional Center (WRC), Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center (FDLRC), Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center (ELARC), or any individual with a disability who has been found eligible for Regional Center funding through any of the 21 Regional Centers in the State of California who are currently participating in the Self-Determination Program (SDP).
To be eligible for Regional Center funding, a person must have a disability that begins before the individual’s 18th birthday that is expected to continue indefinitely and present a substantial disability. Qualifying conditions include intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, and other disabling conditions as defined in Section 4512 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code.
Eligibility is established through diagnosis and assessment performed by regional centers.
What is the Enrollment Process?
Upon request for further information or initiation of services from the individual’s Regional Center Consumer Services Coordinator (CSC), YIC will schedule and conduct an informational session with the individual. Should the individual decide to move forward with YIC services, YIC will request an authorization on behalf of the individual from the Regional Center and submit an intake packet to the individual. Upon receipt of the intake packet from the individual, additional reports are requested from the Regional Center to assist in YIC’s initial assessment. Once the authorization is received from the Regional Center, an initial in-person structured assessment interview will be scheduled with a counselor assigned to the individual.
Following the interview, the counselor will interview other pertinent providers and review past assessments, transition plans, and supports. Prior work samples and work and/or volunteer experience is requested. In addition, an assessment of functional/occupational performance will be conducted (if applicable) in a real or simulated environment to identify social vocational needs and record baseline data. A Individual Service Plan (ISP) is developed, which will include a summary of the individual’s background, skills and deficits, recommended goals and objectives, and recommendation for services will be submitted within three to four weeks of completion of the assessment. Services will commence once funding has been determined and a new cohort begins (every twelve months). For more information about the enrollment process and services, contact us.
How do we measure progress?
Each participant will be assigned a Counselor once services are authorized to begin. Utilizing the participant’s Individual Service Plan (ISP), the participant’s Counselor will assess participant progress toward ISP outcomes/goals on a semi-annual basis.
Participant progress toward ISP goals are measured and recorded via direct and indirect measures, including the review of formative and cumulative assessments completed by instructors during each training course, instructor comments/feedback, participant comments/feedback, review of participant’s program benchmark assignments, and review of progress notes completed by assigned counselors during direct monthly meetings between the participant and their assigned counselor. Reports will be provided and reviewed with participant, participant's parents (if conserved or requested by participant), and will be reported to generic funding sources if required.
Is there a cost involved to participate in the program?
There is no cost for individuals to participate in the YIC programs if the individual has been found eligible for North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC) funding, Westside Regional Center (WRC) funding, Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center (FDLRC), Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center (ELARC), or was found eligible for any Regional Center funding and is currently participating in the Regional Center Self-Determination Program (SDP) . YIC is a vendor with the NLACRC; Vendor #PL1769 and WRC; Vendor #PW8317. For more information about program funding and how to request funding for YIC services from your Regional Center Consumer Services Coordinator (CSC), contact us.
Participant placement and funding termination procedures are followed according to all Title 22 and 17 §56718 regulations.