Welcome to YIC's public information access page. In this section, you will find YIC's policies, Board of Trustees information, audit reports, performance contracts and related documents, and more. 

We are committed to providing to the public maximum access to information about our organization, while maintaining required consumer confidentiality and compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and contract requirements with public funding sources.

Transparency and Accountability

The following information is being posted to display YIC's commitment to transparency and accountability.

Annual Independent Audits


Form 990 - Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax

 * The link above will take you to the nonprofit search on the IRS website. Select to “search by organization by name” and enter, “Yes I Can Unity Through Music & Education”. In the “state” box, enter “California”. Click search to view all filed 990 Forms.

Board Meeting Schedules, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Approved Board Minutes, and Roster

Q1 2023 Agenda; Q1 2023 Minutes

Q2 2023 Agenda; Q2 2023 Minutes

Q3 2023 Agenda; Q3 2023 Minutes

Q4 2023 Agenda; Q4 2023 Minutes

Cultural & Linguistic Competency Training for YIC's Board of Trustees 
YIC provides training and support for board members on a scheduled basis to facilitate their overall effectiveness in governance and oversight as well as their understanding and participation in planning, policy making, and support for the accomplishment of the YIC mission.